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Practicing Global and Intercultural Pedagogy: Teacher Dispositions and the Curricular Dimensions Online

Practicing Global and Intercultural Pedagogy: Teacher Dispositions and the Curricular Dimensions

Presenter:  Dr.  Haoua Hamza, Associate Professor in the College of Education

The purpose of this workshop is to facilitate both theoretical understanding and practical approaches to modeling global and intercultural pedagogy (GIP). In this session, participants will familiarize with two dimensions of GIP consisting of teacher dispositions and the integration of multicultural and global perspectives in content delivery. We will examine several frameworks including Cushner et al.’s Diversity Wheel, Bennett’s developmental model of intercultural sensitivity (DMIS), Banks’ knowledge typology, Banks & Banks’ models of integration of multicultural content (CATS) and Hanvey’s framework for infusing global perspectives in curriculum content. Specifically, participants will:

  • Appreciate a broader definition of human diversity in education
  • Explore the critical steps to help individuals move from an ethnocentric to an ethnorelative perspective.
  • Familiarize with a knowledge typology conducive to delivering content in ways that resonate with students.
  • Examine critical approaches to integrating multicultural and global perspectives.

Participants will gain understanding of key terms and approaches to developing and enhancing intercultural competence as well as insights into the dimensions of global and intercultural pedagogy.


Related LibGuide: Faculty Development by Katherine Rossi

Tuesday, January 26, 2021
11:00am - 12:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  All Faculty and Staff  
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